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Our Story

a green plant in a garden

Overall Goal

CFSRPES was initiated in June 2020 to equip the 1890 Land Grant Universities (LGUs) with best practices, innovations and technologies to better address the profitability and sustainability goals and challenges of FSRPESs over the short and long term. The best management plan uses an integrative research-education-Extension approach to benefit and strengthen SFRLs and incorporates the collective learnings into the FANH sciences programs/curricula at the 1890 LGUs.

Specific goals that address research, Extension, education and collaboration were established that apply to all six of the CFSRPES Thrust Areas. The intent is to apply integrative approaches within and across each thrust area.

Adaptive Research, Technology Assessment & Development of New Processes

Develop a database of technologies, processes and best practices that have been developed and tested by the 1890 LGUs, focusing on those that are sustainable and profitable. Use smart-farming technologies (as applicable SFRLs) to increase data volume, velocity and veracity. Use integrative approaches to test commodities, processes and systems across the 1890 states for local viability (i.e., hemp/row crops, fruits/vegetables, cattle/goats, pines/hardwoods, value-added/post-harvest).

Enhance Cooperative Extension Delivery & Programming Across the Target Areas for All Participating 1890 LGUs

Assess and develop education and Cooperative Extension materials to be designed for digital delivery and replication across the 1890 region. Identify leading educators to perform train-the-trainer and virtual programming.

Increase Educational Opportunities for Future SFRLs & Agricultural Specialists

Augment FANH science curricula across the 1890 LGUs. Provide internships to prepare B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. students to work with rural and urban communities in developing sustainable food and natural resource systems in line with USDA’s Strategic Goals

Each 1890 LGU Will Collaborate with USDA, the Private Sector & Communities to Identify Market Opportunities and Capital and Resources Access

Assist SFRLs in accessing capital and resources needed for production, packaging, value-addition and marketing and conservation.

Host Team Members

The CFSRPES is based at Tuskegee University.

1890 LGU
  • Tuskegee University
  • Conrad Bonsi
  • Tasha Hargrove
  • Walter Hill
  • Raymond Shange
1890 Administrator
  • Conrad Bonsi

Eighteen 1890 Universities Competed for CFSRPES Funding Through the Following Six Thrust Areas

The project was officially approved in July 1, 2020. Thus, information presented in this report represents early results of the Center July – September 2020. Farmers from seventeen states are involved in CFSRPES activities.

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